Herefordshire Together

Herefordshire Together is the first contribution to the development of the community paradigm ‘Community Chest’, in partnership with Herefordshire Community Foundation.

Grants of up to £1,000 or between £1,000 and £20,000 were made to community projects meeting the criteria. This fund is currently closed for applications.

Funded by Public Health at Herefordshire Council, Herefordshire Together is looking for impactful community-led initiatives to achieve two priorities:

  • Priority 1. Creating lasting meaningful connections for people to improve emotional wellbeing and sense of community belonging
  • Priority 2. Strengthen reach to families in need

Both of these supports the 10-year health & wellbeing priorities in Herefordshire.

Projects should seek to acheive the following impacts for these priorities

  • Priority 1
  • Reduce loneliness & isolation
  • Increase connections through community activity
  • Increase connections through intergenerational activity
  • Increase connections through nature, greenspace and arts
  • Increase peer support for emotional wellbeing
  • Priority 2
  • Reduction in number of children experiencing neglect
  • Reduction in number of children with experience of trauma or adverse childhood experiences
  • Greater number of parents supported to develop healthy parenting routines and behaviours
  • Increase number of children, who experience disadvantage, to have community based support
  • Increase informal community-based support for children & families with special educational needs and disabilities, including neurodiversity

Applications to this fund are currently closed.


If you are interested in applying to this Fund, please contact us to discuss.